Friday 16 October 2015

The clip from 'The Dark Knight Rises' uses many narrative techniques typical of a Hollywood marvel film. Applying Propps character theory, from this clip the villain is rather straight forward due to his capture and escape.

The clip from ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ uses many narrative techniques typical of Hollywood comedy/crime. Applying Propp's character theory, there’s no clear hero in the film but a clear protagonist in the character Jordan Belfort.  In many ways, he is shown to be the a money hungry egotistical character and is destined to be caught and captured by the FBI that drives the narrative, as he is the main protagonist of whom the audience will sympathise with. Jonah Hill offers the classic sidekick character while Rob Reiner plays the typical brother role. These well-known character types quickly help establish Propp’s theory of narrative. Likewise, Todrov’s theory the equilibrium of the film is shown at the beginning of the trailer; Jordan Belfort is a successful trader on Wall Street where he is excelling in the corporate hierarchy. The disequilibrium is utilised in the trailer when the FBI agents begin to investigate Belfort for several of different crimes. These key seniors in the trailer help institute Todorov’s theory. There are many enigma codes in the trailer using Barthes theory. For example: Is this legal? What will happen to the money? Will Jordon Belfort get arrested? These enigma codes are effective as they intrigue and interest the audience to go watch the film. There are also quite a few action codes relating to tension in the film. When the car chase takes place is one key event supporting Barthes theory. Another action code is when Belfort was holding the gun signifying,  something unpleasant might occur linking to Barthes other theory of enigma codes as it makes the audience question whether the will make the right decision. 

Editing Task

As you can see, the scene that I have picked is from The Dark Knight Rises, where Batman and bane had their first ever battle. I have picked this particular scene because it shows a lot of different things happening at the same time which I will get onto below.

In this scene the excessive use of straight cut away throughout the extract highlights the build-up of tension. This is revelled when a cut away is employed at the start of the fight in order to give the audience the impression that an explosive tense fight will take place due to the employment of action codes for example when the charge by batman towards bane. As the fight becomes more and more intense there’s a more frequent jump shot to a close up of Cat Women. This close cup could have been utilised to emphasise her on edge facial expression. Applying Propp character theory, Batman is of course the main protagonist and the hero as he is trying to defeat evil. The diegetic sound of the rain whilst the fight is taking place creates a scene of emotion, uncertainty, pressure and perhaps evil prevailing.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Cinematography Homework

In the opening scene of breaking bad a establishing shot is utilise to set the scenery and location.  The excessive use of instant cut ways is portrayed in this opening scene in order to give the audience the impression that this is becoming more and more dramatic due to the the main protagonists body language. The protagonist seem to be chased by the police which could be a reason to his hostile behaviour. A panning shot is also portrayed to symbolise the protagonist urgency to break free from his forsaken sins and escape the police due to his also reckless driving.

Wednesday 7 October 2015


WWW: I thought that i explained my collage very well. I believe I described the purpose of my images in detail.
EBI: I wish i could put a the music track on the blog before as it could imply that is was irresponsible of me.

  • Abayomi (best one)
I quite enjoyed Abayomi's presentation as he was  able to manage his time very well and explain the purpose of essentially most photos in his collage, mostly  with the parallel one.
  • Sunny
I really enjoyed Sunny's presentation as i believe he was able to use the key media terminology we have learned in class.He went into great detail of depth in both slides as each slide was as strong as each other.
  • Abdi
I chose Abdi as one of the stand out presentations in the class as i believe his choice of images were carefully thought through and well explained. i also i liked his choice of music at the background as i also believe it was well researched and planned out.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Sound Homework

In this clip the use of non-diegetic and diegetic sound is constant throughout this extract due to the significance of this episode. The parallel sound track at the background creates a powerful sense of termination and tension as they have lost sense of their fate as they try claw for escapism. This piece of music is parallel as talks about the machine and the purpose of this episode is to save it. There’s a quite substantial amount of sound bridges employed in this video has the non-diegetic sounds carry from different scenes due to the smooth transition.